Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Web 2.0 Tool


Flickr is the web 2.0 tool that I chose. Flickr is the best way to be creative with other people that share your common interests. I think Flickr should be used more in classrooms because it's a creative opportunity to learn. These are some of the educational uses of Flickr:
-Introduce participants to Flickr, a Web 2.0 technology tool
-Demonstrate to participants an application of Flickr
-Virtual field trips
-To provide examples of applications of this technology for learning in the classroom
-Digital storytelling
- Creation of visual arguments

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Tech Article- 1/7/10

Technology, it's taking over.

As we all know, technology is what makes the world go round, but it seems that 2011-2012 will be the years of technology. 3D TV's, tablets, everything is being upgraded a step further. Watch the video below to witness some of the things that are being invented/come up  with.

Click here!

Monday, January 3, 2011

1/3/11- Organizing

My computer always has to be organized. I have tons of pictures and documents, so I have a bunch folders in my computer. My folders store everything so basically if I lost them, I lose everything. I use a hierarchical system.

Tagging- Tagging content has become over the last few years an important component of the online publishing process as it allows editors to extend the reference labels, associations and search keywords by which any type of content can be found.

 Social Bookmarking- Social Bookmarking is a very good way of increasing the web presence of a website. Social Bookmarking is the practice of saving bookmarks to a public Web site and “tagging” them with keywords.

examples: [Furl, Simpy, and delicious]